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Vape dojo filter by Quit Smoking

Made the switch from the Cigarettes to Vaping -- Feeling and Smelling Great!!

Made the switch from the Cigarettes to Vaping -- Feeling and Smelling Great!!

I quit smoking in early 2015 and have felt great since I quit. Once I found a flavor I liked I was able to quit smoking cigarettes completely in less than a month!
by Vape Dojo on April 23, 2018
My Transition from Smoking to Vaping -- I feel and smell so much better!!

My Transition from Smoking to Vaping -- I feel and smell so much better!!

When most people talk about quitting cigarettes, they at least have a desire to do so….but in my case, I was given an ultimatum.  Start Vaping or quit riding the nicotine train all together. It was an easy choice!  
by Vape Dojo on April 23, 2018
How I Quit Smoking

How I Quit Smoking

Hi! I’m Russell Osborne, General Manager of Retail Operations for Vape Dojo. I’d like to share with you my vaping journey. I was a smoker for 27 years. Like a lot of folks, I began smoking as a teenager back in 1981-82. I never occurred to me at the time that I would still be smoking in my 40’s. 
by Vape Dojo on April 23, 2018



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